Warning: This site contains the occasional swear word. If that offends you then I don't know what to tell you. I hate censorship. But hey, you might like the site anyway, so try it out. Also, there will be more stuff here soon. Genius takes time, kids. -Panda

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I just saw a zombie kick over a lawn gnome. I guess even zombie Sims hate them. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Foil Habitat

This crib is shiny! This will work as a starter home, but it's about 10k simoleons more than the usual starter homes. But hey, it has a pool. I wanted to make a travel trailer, but it had to look really different from the usual trailers. Then I was in a sort of spacey mood (spacey as in outer space, thankyouverymuch) and ended up with a trailer that looks looks like a space ship. This would look perfect in Lunar Lakes. Just replace the palm trees with those weird-ass trees they came up with.

I think it would look pretty sweet in Lunar Lakes. It would also go with any Futureshock furniture you might have lying around.

To save on the price of lighting fixtures, and to give the trailer an eerie glow, I put invisible lighting around the place in Blue and Cyan.

The bedroom is a loft and has a pretty unique look.
Here's some overhead shots so you can see the full layout.

Some cool features

  • TV "built into the wall"
  • Chess table
  • Everything is shiny metal! Shiny! There are a few exceptions. Sims can't dry their butt after a shower with a metal towel now, can they? And I'm not wicked enough to make them sleep on metal sheets. 
  • Microwave instead of a stove
  • Swimming pool
  • Parking spot

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Superheroes + Villains + The Shiny

I was just thinking, why doesn't The Sims 3 have a Superheroes and Villains EP? They seriously need one of those. Sure, there are a lot of SIMilar-ish things already. Vampires and werewolves and faeries and whatnot. But it'd be wicked to have superheroes battling villains and flying around, or speeding around in pimped out vehicles. Who wouldn't want a tank in their game? How about a mech? Some jets and helicopters? I need a helicopter. I need it.

How about some laser guns? God knows the game needs weaponry, but I don't ever see that happening unless it's toned down goofy stuff. But I could live with that. I'm sure modders wouldn't mind making weapons more realistic after its release. They've already made some pretty cool weapons and kill mods so far. Either way, I'm in serious need of a rocket launcher in my TS3. People want to have their Sims battle other Sims. They want it! There needs to be more ways to do this besides the scrappy fight and magic spells. It doesn't have to be super violent. Leave that to the modders.

I'd love to see some crazy costumes too, although I'm afraid of what the Sims team would come up with. Probably Super Hotdog Man and Popsicle Girl. Thanks, but I'll pass. But if they did it right, hey, why not?

The EP should have hideouts. Not just venues, but residential hideouts too. It should be what Late Night never was! I sort of like Late Night, but damn I would have done so many things differently. I'm just sayin'. TS3 is in dire need of some proper skyscrapers with huge rooms. I don't mean that they need to make the entire building accessible. They had the right idea. But the buildings were implemented all wrong, and damn were they ugly. Not a cool ugly either. Just damned ugly. I want some skyscrapers that look like the buildings in Showtime. Shiiiiny. I think I have a shiny obsession. I think it might be a problem.

And it would need some grungy new wallpapers and floor tiles. Nice and dirty looking. And some really upscale posh ones too. Like shiny marble. REAL shiny, damn it. And some super modern and super grungy furniture.

I want this EP.

I wouldn't mind a medieval EP either. Swords, dragons, castles. You know, everything that we expected from The Sims Medieval and never got. I liked the game, but I would have loved it if it had been more of a sandbox style. It felt way too confined, and it had more than enough problems which I won't go into. In the end it was just disappoint.

Anyway, just putting this out there. Think about it, EA! There is lots of money and awesomeness to be had with this idea. C'mon, who wouldn't enjoy working on a superhero and villain EP? 

SR Modern Revamp

Here are those tips I've promised for adding extra pizazz to the SR Modern found here. The point of this for the most part is to make this crib look just a bit more like the Saints Row apartments. Remember that all of this is optional. It's just for kicks. I'm including pictures so that you can see what I'm talking about. I'll even tell you where the items are from to make it easier, and fyi I'm only using official The Sims 3 items for this. There are plenty of fan sites with CC that you can get for free that probably looks much better than this stuff.  If that's the case, maybe this will give you ideas on what to look for at the very least. Doing all of this should take you no more than 10-20 minutes, so it's not a big hassle even though it may seem that way due to all of my text cluttering this post.

First of all, I would advise against removing any of the invisible custom lighting (the whitish glowing squares if you don't know what they are) when you go into BuildBuy. It's there because the place is ridiculously large and has bad lighting without it. Moving any of them will make the apartment look pretty fucking strange.

Also, one awesome thing that I had to leave out was the massive curtains (or maybe they're blinds.. or.. I have no idea) that cover parts of the massive windows. If anyone finds blinds like these, for god's sake let me know right away! Do want. 
These blinds!
First I've changed out the paintings. This is the most important tip. There aren't a lot of painting options in the base game, and there are even less modernesque painting options. If you like what's already there then go ahead and leave it, but instead I would recommend using expansion/stuff pack paintings, downloading some free paintings from one of the billion different fan sites that make custom content, or having your sim paint new ones. I've included an easel in the bedroom in case you want your sim to paint them. I had to use the moveobjects on cheat to place them. Just a heads up.

On the walls next to the stairs I've replaced the Two-lips paintings with Showtime posters. These are better than Two-lips, and at least there's some variation, but I'll probably be hunting around CC sites for some proper artwork to go here.
I changed out the two Insouciance No. 12 paintings in the upstairs hall with the pink and purple 80's paintings from the 70's 80's 90's stuff pack.
I've replaced the Photo Series: Hipster Addition pictures downstairs with wall murals painted by my sim using the University Life street art skill. I really like this mural.
The three Sun Disks were replaced by Haiku of the Lotus art, recolored. This art is from the Itadekimasu! Japanese Inspired Dining set. I made the wallpaper solid black behind these, for obvious reasons.

Sofas, tables, chairs
SRtT actually has sectional sofas and modern chairs in their cribs, naturally. Their residentials are both hilarious and stylish. Amazing.

The 3 square sized The Suitable Sofas were changed out to four Minstatl Dorf sectional pieces from Aurora Skies.  I also changed the leather to a shinier one. The lighting and murals were moved to line it all up properly. The loveseats, bar stools and big chairs are fine. I left them.
The sofas and chairs in the lower TV room are replaced with the same sectional pieces above.
The Olafian chairs are changed to Lucky'n'Love-seats from The Lucky Simoleon Casino furniture pieces. I liked the disheveled look of the Olafian chairs upstairs in the bedroom, so I left those as-is.

The Roman Coffee Table between these front three chairs was replaced by  the Fissile Material End Table from the Atomic Age Living and Dining set. I've also added one of these end tables in front of the loveseat right next to these chairs and upstairs in place of the coffee tables next to the chairs on the balcony.
Check it out! There's my Saints Gnome! Ahahaha. Still not funny? Eh. The Roman Coffee Tables are changed to the Face in the Crowd End Table by Standard Issue from University Life. I added a light wood pattern on top that looks quite nice.
Literal Coffee Table is changed for the Roman Numeral coffee table as it looks more like a bench. I gave it the same wood and metal patterns as the Face in the Crowd End Tables and darkened the wood a tiny bit due to lighting. I don't like it, so I'm probably going to check around for a CC flat wooden bench.

If you have the Late Night expansion then you will certainly want to switch out the bar with the LN version. You may want to switch out the counters to match.

I added the fancier bar and wooden bar shelving from Late Night. Moveobjects on cheat is your friend here. Should be pretty easy to tell what I did here by the picture.

Foosball tables
SRtT has two pool tables, not foosball tables. If you have Showtime and/or University then there are pool tables, so use them. You will need the moveobjects on cheat to place two pool tables since they're bigger than the foosball tables.

I'm using the Luxtacular Ultra Deluxe Pool tables from Showtime, but I think any of them would look great. I changed the purple and brown to be darker due to lighting.


All Golden Glow Floor Lamps were replaced with the Fork Floor Lamps from the Diesel Stuff Pack. I set the lighting for these to Dim. It makes the lampshades look better IMO.
The Moderne-Torchier Floor Lamp next to the bed was replaced with this Comprende Lamp from the Collection Stancke set. I also added the Total Flightcase F35 coffee tables on either side of the bed. Those are from the Diesel Stuff Pack.
The Moderne-Torchier Floor Lamp downstairs was changed to the Trips Lamp from the 70's 80's 90's SP.
All of the Lucid Lights upstairs were replaced with four Luminescent Glow Ceiling Lights from the Futureshock Bedroom set.
Other decor

All Philodendrons were changed to Brazilian Snake Plants.
Switched the Main Attraction Puzzle Shelves around the crib for Ultra Modern Wall Shelves.
Both Penningway Bookshelves were switched to L4 Bookshelves. Any sort of modern bookshelves would look great.

I placed a few Urns of Mystery from Supernatural here and there.
Added the book piles from Supernatural.
Replaced the dresser and clock with the Rockin' Stationary Road Case from the Front Row Center bedroom set and Starburst Clock from the Mid Century Modern Kitchen Marvels set.
Added the Brazilian Snake Plant Deluxe from Showtime against the wall near the kitchen. Added some invisible lighting near it (found in BuyDebug) to make it easier to see at night.
The Beijing Incense Burner from the Worldly Goodies set.

I added some random clutter around the place, and that's it. Finished! 

Here's how it looks after the revamp:

SR Modern

What is this?
My attempt at making the Safeword loft apartments from Saints Row the Third. It took me a full week to make this. It's pretty crazy. There is a lot of purple, so if you hate purple then GTFO. Or just, you know, change the purple to a color you do like. Orange, perhaps? Whatever makes you happy.

After making this I'm tempted to make Kinzi's Warehouse too. If I do I'll upload it here.

Why it's a house and not an apartment like those in Bridgeport
The problem was I needed to work with base game items. Even if I did use Late Night building shells, everyone knows that Late Night apartments are damned small. Ridiculously small. There's not even one single large apartment building shell. Not one. The biggest is Beau Merrick's apartment, and it wasn't nearly big enough for this project. Don't get me started complaining about Bridgeport's building sizes. So, I also didn't want to use custom fan shells. I wanted to keep it all base game only, right? My decision was to make a modern house just like those in Starlight Shores for the exterior. I can't get enough of houses like The Modern Marvel, so that's what the exterior is patterned after. So this house will look excellent in Starlight Shores, but of course you can put it in any hood you want.

Creative liberties
Obviously the base game doesn't have all of the Saints Row decor items  and wallpaper patterns to make it look exact, so I had to improvise like crazy. Did you know that the base game doesn't even have a single empty decorative vase? Not even one! OH GOD WHY?! There are places on the walls where there were huge pieces of artwork in the game, or sheets of metal, and I did the best I could with wallpaper to make it look like something is there. I think it looks good anyway, but my god, The Sims 3 team members really don't know what shiny metal looks like.

TS3 also only allows 5 stories so I had to improvise on height too. I'm aware of the cheats for this, but I tried a few things and ended up liking this way the best. Below the download button on this post I'll link you to my post about some things you can do to make it look even more like the apartments in SRtT. Don't get me wrong, it looks great as-is and is fully furnished. You don't need anything else besides the base game to use this house. But if you have any expansion packs (especially Late Night or Showtime) you may want to spice it up even more, so I'll give you some tips for what I did to change it up.

What's special about this crib
  • The lot is 40x40. It's 1 bedroom and 1 bath, both huge. 
  • Helicopter landing pad on the roof. I'm sure they're going to make a helicopter for this game eventually, considering there was one in TS2. They had better! *shakes fist* Also, there are free CC decorative helicopters for TS3 I just found out. Google for them if you hate balloons or just want an actual helicopter on the landing pad. 
  • The purple! Purple everywhere!
  • 2 car garage for your fancy sports cars. I've included the Margaret Vaguester and the Vorn P328, both pimped out to match the house. 
  • This house is made for huge parties. There are 3 TVs, a million chairs, 3 dance platform areas, a massive bar, 2 foosball tables, and some bookshelves upstairs for the bookish types who hate being dragged to parties and want to hide out somewhere and learn about aquatic chemistry concepts. 
  • It has a Saints Gnome. Hahaha. Eh. 
  • It's tacky and fun!

Get SR Modern
I am testing to see if fountains work in the base game. If you only have the base game and you've downloaded this let me know if this lot installs for you. If it doesn't I will remove the fountain from this lot and everything should work fine, but I need someone to tell me. This is a big lot and required a lot of usage of cheats, so tell me if there are any problems at all. Thanks. 
Revamp tips for SR Modern <- Go here if you want to see what I did with it after making it.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Stairs and Chairs: A Review of the Life, Laugh, Love Set

As of a few days ago, the Sims 3 team decided to start charging people for stairs and chairs. Well, and a few other things. This is a review of the Life, Laugh, Love set that is now available at their official site's store.

This set costs around $15 USD. What do you get for that? Well, let's see. 

First of all, obviously there are stairs and chairs. The stairs are the Pyramid stairs from World Adventures with some lines added and all character taken away. There is also a matching fence, two arches, and an end table. Well, everything is more or less matching, but these are all extra-matching. And even though these are all pretty humdrum, I was pretty excited about the new arches. Especially the Doric Column Gate.They had to tell you it's a gate in its name because it isn't a gate, it's an arch, but it works as a gate and you will find it in the Gates section of BuildBuy. Oh, and guess what. They aren't through trolling you yet. The Modern Stone Arch isn't actually an arch. Or rather, it's not in the arches section. It's in Miscellaneous Decor in BuildBuy. It doesn't work as an arch or a gate, but it is taller than either of those at the very least. If anything, I like how chunky and massive these objects are. I want more massive pieces in my game. GO TEAM MASSIVE!

The set offers two chairs. The Reception Chair (dining chair) and the Maid of Honor Chair (living chair). They both have a fresh new design. These chairs aren't bad, but I wouldn't trip over myself to get my panda paws on them. They are fully recolorable at least. Yep, you can recolor the floral design on the back of the Reception Chair. 

There is a goddamned decorative cake. I'm not even going to go there. I hate these things. They just clutter up my game with their uselessness. There is also a decorative bust: Cornelia's Bust. IMO, it looks nothing like Cornelia Goth. I have a raving crush on her, so I should know. 

There's a wall carving called Ancient Warriors. It's actually huge, as in three slots wide. I expected it to be tiny. I colored it purple because I'm working on my Saints Row crib at the moment, and it looked terrible. 

The Head Over Heels Chandelier is pretty nice. Let's not get all worked up like Kristen Stewart over it, though. The downer is that you can't recolor the candles. The chandelier itself, yes. I hate always being stuck with the same colored candles. I want candle color freedom, damn it! But at least the candles are fairly pretty, as small as they are. 

I'm a big fan of water fountains, and I especially like having a large variety of them. This set has a new one called The Misty Lion. Now you can have a fountain to match your Ponce De Leon Grotto Hot Tub, if you have such a thing. 

There is nothing that is irking me more than the outfits, though. I can't imagine wearing such dull wedding attire, and my Sims can't imagine it either. The Egyptian Bride, Beach Wedding Suit and A Sit Down Affair outfits are the most passable pieces. I'm sick to death of the little girl's dresses with hideous plastic-looking bows and plastic-looking skirts. Just horrible.

Alright, this set isn't all blah and boredom. There are a few really lovely things.

The new hairstyles are lovely. The little girls All Dressed Up headband is actually very pretty, and not tacky and plastic-looking at all. The floral headbands for adult female Sims are just as pretty, and I actually like that they are understated. 

The Wedding Reception Table is big and it's fancy. I thought it was a coffee table based on the picture the store provided for the set. I would happily put this in any classic decor mansion. Now just like the candles you can't change the color of the yellowish-orange design on the top. Everything else is recolorable, though. 

The new flower arrangements are great. There is a new flower stand like the one in the other wedding set, and it's a lot nicer looking. Also there are finally some fucking flowers that aren't all pink! It's about damned time. 

The Ancient Mosaic Rug is huge at 3x5 squares in size, and it's just gorgeous. Stunning! When I see things like these it restores a little of my faith in the S3 team. But then I think about decorative cakes and I feel unsure again.

In conclusion, do I feel that this set is worth 15 hard-earned bucks? Hell no! But if you have money to just throw at things, it isn't a bad set. I can see myself using about half of these things quite often.