Warning: This site contains the occasional swear word. If that offends you then I don't know what to tell you. I hate censorship. But hey, you might like the site anyway, so try it out. Also, there will be more stuff here soon. Genius takes time, kids. -Panda

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

SR Modern Revamp

Here are those tips I've promised for adding extra pizazz to the SR Modern found here. The point of this for the most part is to make this crib look just a bit more like the Saints Row apartments. Remember that all of this is optional. It's just for kicks. I'm including pictures so that you can see what I'm talking about. I'll even tell you where the items are from to make it easier, and fyi I'm only using official The Sims 3 items for this. There are plenty of fan sites with CC that you can get for free that probably looks much better than this stuff.  If that's the case, maybe this will give you ideas on what to look for at the very least. Doing all of this should take you no more than 10-20 minutes, so it's not a big hassle even though it may seem that way due to all of my text cluttering this post.

First of all, I would advise against removing any of the invisible custom lighting (the whitish glowing squares if you don't know what they are) when you go into BuildBuy. It's there because the place is ridiculously large and has bad lighting without it. Moving any of them will make the apartment look pretty fucking strange.

Also, one awesome thing that I had to leave out was the massive curtains (or maybe they're blinds.. or.. I have no idea) that cover parts of the massive windows. If anyone finds blinds like these, for god's sake let me know right away! Do want. 
These blinds!
First I've changed out the paintings. This is the most important tip. There aren't a lot of painting options in the base game, and there are even less modernesque painting options. If you like what's already there then go ahead and leave it, but instead I would recommend using expansion/stuff pack paintings, downloading some free paintings from one of the billion different fan sites that make custom content, or having your sim paint new ones. I've included an easel in the bedroom in case you want your sim to paint them. I had to use the moveobjects on cheat to place them. Just a heads up.

On the walls next to the stairs I've replaced the Two-lips paintings with Showtime posters. These are better than Two-lips, and at least there's some variation, but I'll probably be hunting around CC sites for some proper artwork to go here.
I changed out the two Insouciance No. 12 paintings in the upstairs hall with the pink and purple 80's paintings from the 70's 80's 90's stuff pack.
I've replaced the Photo Series: Hipster Addition pictures downstairs with wall murals painted by my sim using the University Life street art skill. I really like this mural.
The three Sun Disks were replaced by Haiku of the Lotus art, recolored. This art is from the Itadekimasu! Japanese Inspired Dining set. I made the wallpaper solid black behind these, for obvious reasons.

Sofas, tables, chairs
SRtT actually has sectional sofas and modern chairs in their cribs, naturally. Their residentials are both hilarious and stylish. Amazing.

The 3 square sized The Suitable Sofas were changed out to four Minstatl Dorf sectional pieces from Aurora Skies.  I also changed the leather to a shinier one. The lighting and murals were moved to line it all up properly. The loveseats, bar stools and big chairs are fine. I left them.
The sofas and chairs in the lower TV room are replaced with the same sectional pieces above.
The Olafian chairs are changed to Lucky'n'Love-seats from The Lucky Simoleon Casino furniture pieces. I liked the disheveled look of the Olafian chairs upstairs in the bedroom, so I left those as-is.

The Roman Coffee Table between these front three chairs was replaced by  the Fissile Material End Table from the Atomic Age Living and Dining set. I've also added one of these end tables in front of the loveseat right next to these chairs and upstairs in place of the coffee tables next to the chairs on the balcony.
Check it out! There's my Saints Gnome! Ahahaha. Still not funny? Eh. The Roman Coffee Tables are changed to the Face in the Crowd End Table by Standard Issue from University Life. I added a light wood pattern on top that looks quite nice.
Literal Coffee Table is changed for the Roman Numeral coffee table as it looks more like a bench. I gave it the same wood and metal patterns as the Face in the Crowd End Tables and darkened the wood a tiny bit due to lighting. I don't like it, so I'm probably going to check around for a CC flat wooden bench.

If you have the Late Night expansion then you will certainly want to switch out the bar with the LN version. You may want to switch out the counters to match.

I added the fancier bar and wooden bar shelving from Late Night. Moveobjects on cheat is your friend here. Should be pretty easy to tell what I did here by the picture.

Foosball tables
SRtT has two pool tables, not foosball tables. If you have Showtime and/or University then there are pool tables, so use them. You will need the moveobjects on cheat to place two pool tables since they're bigger than the foosball tables.

I'm using the Luxtacular Ultra Deluxe Pool tables from Showtime, but I think any of them would look great. I changed the purple and brown to be darker due to lighting.


All Golden Glow Floor Lamps were replaced with the Fork Floor Lamps from the Diesel Stuff Pack. I set the lighting for these to Dim. It makes the lampshades look better IMO.
The Moderne-Torchier Floor Lamp next to the bed was replaced with this Comprende Lamp from the Collection Stancke set. I also added the Total Flightcase F35 coffee tables on either side of the bed. Those are from the Diesel Stuff Pack.
The Moderne-Torchier Floor Lamp downstairs was changed to the Trips Lamp from the 70's 80's 90's SP.
All of the Lucid Lights upstairs were replaced with four Luminescent Glow Ceiling Lights from the Futureshock Bedroom set.
Other decor

All Philodendrons were changed to Brazilian Snake Plants.
Switched the Main Attraction Puzzle Shelves around the crib for Ultra Modern Wall Shelves.
Both Penningway Bookshelves were switched to L4 Bookshelves. Any sort of modern bookshelves would look great.

I placed a few Urns of Mystery from Supernatural here and there.
Added the book piles from Supernatural.
Replaced the dresser and clock with the Rockin' Stationary Road Case from the Front Row Center bedroom set and Starburst Clock from the Mid Century Modern Kitchen Marvels set.
Added the Brazilian Snake Plant Deluxe from Showtime against the wall near the kitchen. Added some invisible lighting near it (found in BuyDebug) to make it easier to see at night.
The Beijing Incense Burner from the Worldly Goodies set.

I added some random clutter around the place, and that's it. Finished! 

Here's how it looks after the revamp:

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